Saturday, April 18, 2015

First Hair Cut

After putting it off for as long as I could, Zoey got her first hair cut in January.  I was so afraid that if I had her hair trimmed, the curls would fall out.  We have been lucky that her hair has grown fast and even!  I made it three years before I got it trimmed.  I was a little nervous how she would do and was afraid she would cry or throw a fit.  She did AWESOME!  We went to Phipps Salon, B and I both go there, where Melissa cut her hair.  Bragging moment.  Everyone there was so impressed with how well she behaved and sat/stood still. Typically three year olds do not do as well.  Her hair was so long, Melissa had her stand instead of sit in the chair to trim it.  When it’s wet and brushed out it’s almost down to her waist.

Zoey's First Hair Cut


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